Happy Christmas 2021
Peace and Blessings for Christmas
Christmas from the heart of spirit..
It is with delight that we start to celebrate the Christmas season and my wish for us all is peace, love and joy this Christmas. It’s time to stop and be still and be thankful for all that we have overcome and some how in a tough year find the laughter and love that is Christmas.
2022 will bring some exciting new development and technological advancements. The first to applaud and celebrate is the New Telescope launched on 24th Dec that will explore deep outer space.. looking for life on other planets and returning photographs of far off galaxies … a huge achievement in the advance of human kind.
We will also see great changes in the financial institutions as blockchain technology and decentralised banking starts to emerge. You will hear information about digital currencies emerge which will be the start of global financial change
It is a year of speaking out and standing up for the truth and what you believe and a step away from the out of date style of media and scripted reporting. This will enable the individual to be heard.
I see exciting times ahead and sense the need for us all to step up to feel dynamic and stretch ourselves beyond the mundane.. We humans are amazing and need to feel the miracle of being alive and living on this beautiful blue planet that supports us all..
Take care of yourself and take care of the planet it is our legacy from our forefathers and is so precious. Protecting it for future generations is each persons responsibility.
Holding hands across the world is one way to share this place of love … especially at Christmas time.
I wish every one a safe and relaxing holiday time and thank you all for the support and love that I have received throughout this last year.
I send you love and blessing for Christmas and the New Year..