"Houses on top of her head ?"
Hilarious Event in Bondi Junction
I have been very busy with Psychic House Parties this last few months and I have met people from all walks of life.
The last event was at the East Leagues Club in Bondi Junction. This was an amazing night, with over 200 people in the function room.
As I looked at the first lady, I spoke to, I could see, several houses all around her head. I honestly didn't know what to say ... can you imagine seeing houses on someone's head? Yep crazy eh?
When I asked her why she had so many houses.. she replied..." Well, I suppose it is because I teach real estate people how to sell houses "... a good laugh we had with that reply
My question to her was.." Can you teach me too...? "
I have been to the Blue Mountains, the Hawksbury River, Queensland and Perth in the last two months for house parties and events and still have a few psychic house parties booked before Christmas.. so much fun and a fabulous way to meet new people.
If you would like to book a Psychic House Party for 2018. Please call me on 0413136928 and I will explain how, what and all about them.